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Colombia - Education Institutes Flags (E) - Part 3

Last modified: 2024-07-06 by daniel rentería
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Emaús, Colegio Parroquial

image by Ivan Sache, 29 October 2014

Colegio Parroquial Emaús was established in Medellín (Antioquia Department) on 17 April 1995 by the priest of the parish of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Jorge Alberto Galeano Buitrago (d. 2001), with the administrative support of Iván Salazar Duque (d. 2009). Colegio Parroquial Emaús took over in 2004 the school established in 2000 by the priest of the parish of La Pasión (Nuevo Horizonte borough), Luís Emilio Flórez Buitrago.
The flag of the institute is horizontally divided white-blue with the institute's coat of arms in the middle. White means the search for social interaction based on values. Blue is an elegant, serious, joyous, safe, and tranquil colour. It is a symbol of intelligence, knowledge, and deep truth. This colour represents the great munificence of the Creation and is a Marian allegory.
Source: - Institute's website
The coat of arms of the institute features:
- a shield vertically divided white and blue. These Marian colours recall the strong connection between the institute and the parish. The style of the shield is borrowed form the arms of the Medellín Archdiocese.
- a heart, alluding to Luke 24:32: "They asked each other, 'Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?' "
- a crown of thorns surrounding the heart, as a vivid reference of the love of Jesus for mankind, supplying sacrifice and generosity, the values that children and teenagers shall practice. The crown also represents the difficult situation of the youth and the death of several of them during periods of violence. Preserving values requires part of sacrifice in a society like ours.
- sun rays forming the heart's background, as a symbol of youth that spreads to the society the fundamental values required to be and to live. They recall the evidence that children and teenagers should provide to the society as a testimony of the resurrection.
Source: - Institute's website
Ivan Sache, 29 October 2014

Emanuel, Colegio

image by Ivan Sache, 28 September 2018

Colegio Emanuel was established in May 1987 in Florida (Valle Department), as Jardin Infantil Personitas, by Alex Otalvaro and Bertha María Nieves. In 1005, Unión Misionera Evangélica purchased the school from Isabel Garcés Andrade, renamed it to Colegio Emanuel and maintained Garcés as the director. She was succeeded by Ruth Garcés Andrade and, since 2003, Bertha María Nieves.
In the Bible, Emmanuel means "God With Us", therefore the school's name reflects its philosophy.
School website

The flag of Colegio Emanuel is horizontally divided celestial blue-white-olive green. Blue, a cold color, is a symbol of meditation, truth and knowledge. White, as the symbol of peace, means purity, transparency, and harmony with celestial blue. Green means freshness and spring, symbolizing hope and youth.
School website
Ivan Sache, 28 September 2018

Emeterio Duarte Suarez, Instituto Tecnico Industrial

image by Ivan Sache, 12 December 2020

Instituto Tecnico Industrial Emeterio Duarte Suarez is located in Malaga (Santander).

The flag of ITI Emeterio Duarte Suarez is vertically divided blue-white-blue with the school's coat of arms in the center.
Ivan Sache, 12 December 2020

Emiliani, Colegio

image by Ivan Sache, 08 November 2014

Colegio Emiliani is located in the Santa Ana borough, part of the municipality of Tunja (Boyacá Department). The institute is name for St. Gerolamo Emiliani (1481-1537; canonized in 1767 by Pope Clement XIII and named in 1928 patron of orphans and abandoned children by Pope Pius XI), founder in 1532 of the congregation of the Regular Clerics (Somaschi).
The flag of the institute is horizontally divided blue-red-green. Blue is a symbol of Marian spirituality. Red is a symbol of love, as represented by Jesus Christ shedding the last drop of his blood on the cross. Green is a symbol of hope in the youth.
Source: - Institute's website
Ivan Sache, 08 November 2014

Emmaneul d'Alzon, Colegio

image by Ivan Sache, 26 July 2018

Colegio Emmanuel d'Alzon was established in 1955 by Fathers Theophan Couvert, Jorge Ringoet and Pascual Collin, members of the order of the Augustinians of the Assumptians, a congregation founded in 1845 in France by Emmanuel d'Alzon (1810-1880).

The flag of Collegial Emmanuel d'Alzon is vertically divided yellow-white
Collegial Emmanuel d'Alzon website
Ivan Sache, 26 July 2018

Emperador de Cali, Liceo Mixto

image by Ivan Sache, 11 October 2018

Liceo Mixto Emperador de Cali (LIMEC) was established on 14 June 1993.

The flag of LIMEC is horizontally divided gray-white-red with the school's coat of arms in the center.

Grey represents hope, confidence and optimism. White represents transparency, peace and loyalty. Red represents love, force and solidarity.
School website
Ivan Sache, 11 October 2018

Empresarial Crecer y Construir, Institución Técnica

image by Ivan Sache, 16 March 2019

Institución Técnica Empreserial Crecer y Construir [To Believe and to Grow] (ITECC) was established on 1 February 1996 in borough Bariloche II, Piedecuesta (Santander Department), as Instituto Pedagógico Crecer. The school's current name was adopted by Resolution No. 17,058 issued in November 2005.

The flag of ITECC is diagonally divided blue-red-green from the lower half to the upper hoist with a white fimbriation between the colored stripes, and the school's coat of arms all over.
Blue is the predominant color in the world, the Earth being known as the blue planet. Most human beings need blue. This color induces in students a feeling of calm and alleviates life's pressure and turmoil; it permits a connection with the excessive environment laden with stimuli most of us are exposed to. Blue also represents God's will, force, power and divine protection.
Red represents academic dignity, meaning action, energy, vigor, strong-mindedness, valor, leadership, force to reach goals, love for study and dynamism required to interact with knowledge.
Green is a symbol of hope, faith, friendship and continuous quest of lore and knowledge in a progress society; it induces tranquility, promotes balance and self-control. Infusing security, this color is used not only in the school's flag but also in classrooms where new and creative ideas are generated.
The white fimbriation represents safety, purity and transparency of human talent and academic process. It is also a symbol of the peace that should reign in the educational community.

The coat of arms of ITECC is composed of:
- a four-pointed star with the school's colors: blue, red and green, which symbolizes the four components of institutional development (institutional horizon, pedagogy, administration, projection to the community).
- four yellow awls, which represent the fundamentals and institutional principles, symbols of the spiritual resources of the students.
- a white ring inscribed with the school's name in blue and red letters, charged in the lower part with a king blue scroll inscribed with the school's motto [CREATIVIDAD - RESPETO- COOPERACIÓN / Creativity -
Respect - Cooperation] in white letters.
- on a celestial blue background a special emblem composed with a book in base, which represents lore and knowledge.
- an icon made of four blue, red and green, human silhouettes, which represent family and the student's evolution during the learning process.
- two concentric arrows, which determine our pedagogic model, personalized and of integral education.
- an open book, which symbolizes the progresses of information, which are fundamental for knowledge acquisition., ITECC website
Ivan Sache, 16 March 2019

Empresarial, Gimnasio Superior

image by Ivan Sache, 21 March 2019

Gimnasio Superior Empresarial was established in 2004 by Financiera Comultrasan and Fundación Comultrasan, succeeding Colegio Cooperativo Comultrasan (est. in 1968).

Comultrasan, formerly Coomultrasan, is Cooperativa Multiactiva de Trabadajores de Santander, established on 21 September 1979. Financiera Comultrasan separated from the cooperative on 26 July 2009 for legal reasons. Fundación Comultrasan was established in 2002 by Financiera Comultrasan.

The flag of Gimnasio Superior Empresarial is white with the school's logo., School website
Ivan Sache, 21 March 2019

Enrique Olaya Herrera, Institución Educativa Técnica

image by Ivan Sache, 18 November 2014

Institución Educativa Técnica Enrique Olaya Herrera was originally established, as a boy's school, in 1946 in Guateque (Boyacá Department) by Carlos Garzón and Luis F. Acevedo. Transformed into a Colegio Nacional by Resolution No. 21,401 of 16 June 1952, the institute was renamed Colegio Nacional Enrique Olaya Herrera by Resolution No. 5,313 of 27 October 1970, as a tribute to Guateque-born Enrique Olaya Herrera (1880-1937), President of the Republic from 1930 to 1934.
Institución Educativa Enrique Olaya Herrera was established by Resolution No. 1,732 of 19 July 2002 as the merger of Colegio Nacional Enrique Olaya Herrera, Colegio Básico Hortensia Perilla and Concentración Urbana Mixta. Resolution No. 110 of 4 February 2010 renamed it Institución Educativa Técnica Enrique Olaya Herrera, with a specialization in electronics. The institute took over Institución Educativa Rural Julia Flores by Resolution No. 6,850 of 15 December 2011.
The flag of the institute is divided white-green according to the descending diagonal.
Source:!nosotros/csgz - Institute's website
Ivan Sache, 18 November 2014

Entrerríos, Institución Educativa

"Institución Educativa Entrerríos" is located at Entrerríos, Department of Antioquia.
The flag of the institute is shown graphically and described on the website of the institute.
The description says that the flag is made of three equal horizontal stripes green, white, and blue, while the drawing shows a flag horizontally divided blue-white-green.
Green represents the municipality of Entrerríos and its harmonious landscapes.
White represents peace and harmony.
Blue represents the institute, as on the emblem, where the blue quarter is charged with the name and educative motto of the institute, "Más que enseñar es formar" (Educating is better than teaching).
Ivan Sache, 5 February 2009

Envigado, Colegio Teresiano de

image by Ivan Sache, 28 June 2014

Previously reported flag:
image by Ivan Sache, 7 November 2010

I recently wrote that the Colombian Theresian educational institutes could share a common flag, horizontally divided white-blue. My assumption, based on two samples, was erroneous.
Colegio Teresiano de Envigado is one of the seven Colombian institutes chaired by the Community of St. Therese of the Child Jesus. It was founded in 1969 in Envigado (Department of Antioquia) by Sister Maria del Pilar Suárez, the then Superior of the Community in Colombia, as Colegio Teresiano Monteblanco. In 1999, the institute was renamed Colegio Teresiano de Envigado.
The flag of Colegio Teresiano de Envigado is presented on the institute's website as horizontally divided light blue-white-coffee brown, with respective proportions 2:1:1 - undoubtedly recalling the Colombian national flag. The three stripes, placed "from the Earth to Heavens", symbolize the Theresian spirit. Coffee brown represents integral education and the woman's representation in the Theresian values. Light blue represents transcendency. The three colors together represent prayer as a personal relation with God and the synthesis of the Theresian humanism.
Ivan Sache, 7 November 2010

The flag of the institute is presented now on the institute's website with equal stripes.
Ivan Sache
, 28 June 2014

Envigado, Institución Universitaria de

image by Ivan Sache, 14 February 2004

Institución Universitaria de Envigado (IUE) is managed by Corporación Universitaria de Envigado, established in 1992. Classes in Electronic Engineering and Systems Engineering started on 10 February 1995. The institute was officially established by Agreement No. 44 issued on 28 November 1996 by the Municipal Council.
IUE is composed of the Faculties of Business Sciences, Law and Political Sciences, Social Sciences, and Engineering.
IUE website

The flag of IUE is composed of the colors of the municipality of Envigado, green and orange, and of a white stripe alluding to social responsibility, highlighted in IUE's mission statement as its central task.
The emblem of IUE is composed of the institute's initials and of the following elements the Earth, conveying the idea of open-mindedness to the world, and an atom representing technology, science and vision of the future.
The motto reads "Science, Education and Development".
IUE website


image by Ivan Sache, 15 December 2020

A recent photo shows the flag with inverted colors.

Ivan Sache, 15 December 2020